The face that defied the odds – Red Bull Defiance 2018

Written by Ash Zaragoza

They say a picture is worth a thousand words….

Two days, 71km MTB, 39km run, 40km kayak, 60m abseil, 5,238m total vertical – Red Bull captured the raw exhaustion and emotion as athletes cross the finish line of Red Bull Defiance 2018…


Jacqui Allen | Team PAK’n SAVE (Elite Womens Winners)

Jacqui Allen - Team PAK'n Save.
Jacqui Allen – Team PAK’n Save.


“Everything about Day 2. I’ve never kayaked before, so yesterday’s kayak helped for today. Had a really good ride, loved the long climb and worked hard as a team. We paced it well. That hike was tough, lots of ups and downs!  We did so well, I had a really good team mate, we supported each other really well. Loved it.


“The kayak. Yesterday when it was a little bit choppy, I felt like I was going anywhere. I really struggled and when I got to the end I couldn’t physically get out of the kayak. My team mate had to pull me out. The kayak was definitely the hardest part”